Friday, April 26, 2013

FEP sub reports error - Sub report could not be opened

While running  FEP reports, specially Antimalware Protection Summary Report, I was getting this error - Sub Report could not be opened.

If you open the report directly, you get this error - Query execution failed for dataset 'dsAMProtectionBreakdown'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Error 7202, Procedure -, Line 1, Message Could not find server 'FEPDW_ODU_FEPDW_ODU_OLAPProvider_FEP' in sys.servers.

Open SQL Management Studio and try to do a test connection for the linked server - FEPDW_ODU_FEPDW_ODU_OLAPProvider_FEP and for the other one also.

The Test Connection should succeed. Check why it is not succeeding. I had my SQL Analysis Services stopped. Maybe delete the linked server and create it with correct database name.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

GPO Preferences: Scheduled Tasks not appearing

Recently, I was required to create scheduled tasks for Windows 7 computers through GPO.

I did it through GPO:

But, the task was not appearing on the target workstation, no matter what.

After checking everything, I changed the logon credentials.By default tasks configured via the Computer section of Group Policy will run as %LogonDomain\%LogonUser%. But I changed it to BUILTIN\SYSTEM.

It's wrong. It should be NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, which works perfectly. The task appears on the target computers.