Friday, July 17, 2015

DFS error-The DFS Replication service stopped replication on replicated folder xxxxxx at local path xxxxx due to Error ID: 9073

While configuring DFS replication on a 2012 server, I was constantly getting this error in the Eventlog

The DFS Replication service stopped replication on the replicated folder at local path XXX

Additional Information:
Error: 9073 (Content set initialization is pending journal wrap task to resume journal read) 

ID 4004

I tried removing DFSR, reinstalling DFSR, removing the server from replication members, but could not fix it.

Take a backup of any required folders.  
Stop DFS Replication Services
Unhide and grant yourself access to the C:\System Volume Information folder. To Unhide, from the folder options, unselect "hide system folders".
Open a command prompt with elevated privileges.
Change to the System Volume Information directory where replication target folders are present.
Run the following command RMDIR DFSR /S
Choose yes if you are sure to continue.
Rrestart DFS Replication Services

To check DFS status, open command prompt with elevated privileges and run 

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo get replicatedfoldername,state

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