Wednesday, December 12, 2018

0x80073712 The component store has been corrupted, During patches installation

Sometimes, during monthly patches installation, you get this error-0x80073712 The component store has been corrupted.

This can be seen in updatesdeployment.log, when content download has finished and installation is ongoing.

 Progress: Status = ciStateError, PercentComplete = 0, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x80073712

Try this command: Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth

This  will restore the system files from the installation source at c:\winsxs

If you are lucky, it fixes it!
Note: It takes time to complete....

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Package distribution error – 0x80070005 in PkgXferMgr.log and 0x80070005 in smsdpprov.log

We were facing this 70005 error during Package transfer to one of the Distribution Points.
It goes into retry, again fails....

1.AV exclusions
2.IIS authentication

Finally, deleted files in Contenlib\filelib\3a0a\<filename>.
This filename can be found in the smsdpprov.log

For example-
MoveFileW failed for D:\SCCMContentLib\FileLib\T8C1C0000A to D:\SCCMContentLib\FileLib\3A0A\3A0A667530A73594E7357E6F52B4C48EF1C1662CFB87A7C3E775BD78306018B1

So, i deleted files with this names in the D:Contenlib\filelib\3a0a folder, and redistributed the Package.

Environment=SCCM2012 CB 1710.

Monday, February 26, 2018

MBAM error on client-TransferStatusDataFailed-2143485947 Access was denied by the remote endpoint.

After you have installed MBAM setup 2.5 and configured the roles, and start the testing.
You install the MBAM 2.5SP1 with Hotfix client.

On the client, in the Eventlog, you might get errors:

Access was denied by the remote endpoint.

The reason is-MBAM client computer does not have sufficient access on the Portal Server.
Either add the test computer account as local Admin, or, give sufficient delegation.

Scan Error 0x80240fff in updatehandler.log

After you enable Win10 servicing in SCCM, you might get this error on Windows10 clients during update scan.
Reason is-in WSUS, there are duplicate entries for Feature update.....1607 and 1703.

You need to go into WSUS console, search for 1607(or 1703), and decline the Feature Update to ....1607. All the results.

Also, try installing this update on the server: